What a Heart Attack Feels Like

Ever since my heart attack, the number one question I’m getting is what I felt when I had my heart attack two weeks ago.

In October, a month before the heart attack, I was walking the dog. I had severe chest pain in my right pectoral that went down my right side. But as soon as I stopped walking the dog the pain went away.

I thought that was weird, so I went to the hospital at that time.

As soon as I got to the hospital, the ER doctors put me on an EKG. The EKG came back as normal. Then they did other tests like a blood workup, to see if I had had a heart attack. Those tests came back normal also.

After that ER appointment, the doctors recommended a follow up with a cardiologist for a stress test.

I made the appointment with the cardiologist which just happened to be 2 weeks after my heart attack.

Looking back, I probably was having exercise induced chest pain.

It was mild and I always attributed it to some kind of muscle strain that I had from the day before.

Now to the day of the heart attack. That day was a normal day. Work was pretty uneventful. I got home and Finn was going to basketball practice. He asked me to watch his practice, and I told him I’d go right over after I grabbed something to eat.

When I got to the practice, I began experiencing really bad right pectoral chest pain.

I DID NOT have it on the left side. I DID NOT have radiating left arm pain.

It was centralized on my right pectoral. Then my heart began to really accelerate, and I felt very jittery. Then I got really nauseous and threw up.

I thought that I was having a panic attack.

I walked outside to get fresh air. I began breathing through my nose and exhaling through my mouth to calm myself down. I began feeling relief and the pain began going away.

When I got home, I began feeling the pain again. I thought to myself that it may be acid reflux. I took Prilosec and Tums and waited for an hour. The pain was still there. That did not make sense to me.

If it was acid reflux, the medication should have worked by now.

That is when I decided to go to the hospital. And now we know that I was experiencing a heart attack.

People ask me all the time, why do I share so much of my life, my experiences.

My goal is to tell my story and hopefully prevent someone else from having a heart attack. I hope this helps. mydente.com

Don’t hesitate to call 911!