Uber Referral

We recently had a new patient call. Each time someone calls as a new patient, we will ask them how they heard about us.

He told us that he’s an Uber driver and one of his customers was raving about our dental office. His passenger was describing his care and how impressed he was with the level of attention he received the second he walked through our door.

He gave us our patients' name that referred him, and immediately we remembered him.

This patient has a very typical story.

This patient who referred the Uber driver, had a dentist that he loved for 15 years.

His dentist sold her office to a corporate dental company and gutted all the things that made that dental office great.

He stated to me that he went to the office after his dentist sold it and tried out the new owners. He had 4 different appointments after his dentist left and was seen by 4 different dentists.

He did not like the disruption of providers and it added extreme anxiety to his dental visits.

He became our patient this past year and has loved the consistency of his care and now has become a big fan of our office.

I hear this story every day. People who had a dentist they loved and now their office becomes a corporate dental office. Changing the feel and care of the office completely.

Dente has been open for over 18 years. Our philosophy is to treat our patients as if they were our family. We can’t wait to meet our Uber driver patient soon.

If you have a friend or family that is not happy with their current dentist, please send them our way. Have them visit mydente.com and call 773-292-1911 to schedule their appointment.

Floss Like a Madman!

Emilio “Uber Referral Plan” Couret

Meet Dr. Couret

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