The TV Repair Man

Growing up, we were a big TV family. We had a TV in every room. When I look back at how TVs were back in the day to today, they are so different. It seems looking back that tv’s conked out way quicker than the tv’s today.

A lot of times, the picture would scramble or a line would sometimes travel from the top of the tv screen to the bottom. It would be this annoying distraction while you’d watch your program.

Many times, I would use several strategies to help fix the TV glitches.

Our TV sets all had knobs to turn the channel. Remotes were around but my parents always bought the knob channel selection.

Sometimes I would have to tinker with the knob to make the picture clearer.


For example, if I was watching something on channel 2. If I moved the knob between channel 2 and 3, the picture would suddenly become clearer. I had to position the knob at the 2 and a half position for it to work right.

Other times when the picture became static and fuzzy, I would have to adjust the rabbit ear antenna on top of the set. I would move the antenna side to side, backward and forwards, until the TV got a great reception.

Now the picture was nice and crisp but the second I took my hands off the antenna, the picture would go fuzzy again. I would have to watch my entire program while standing next to the TV, gripping the antenna for clarity.

The third TV fixing technique, and probably my best one, was this. If all else failed, my go to was to give the tv a nice firm whack. Surprisingly that technique worked a lot.

Who can imagine nowadays that smacking your TV would cause your picture to come into focus. Though these techniques are tried and true, they would no longer work on today's TVs.


In dentistry, we had a lot of outdated techniques that caused a lot of people to be fearful of the dentist.

This has caused a whole population of Americans to avoid the dentist due to fear. That is why at Dente, we offer Anxiety Free Dentistry.

Patients are given anxiety reducing medication that helps them relax during their appointment.

This medication helps them get through their appointment in a relaxed state. It will also help them get numb quicker and stay numb much longer, during their procedure.

What this means for you is a pain free dental visit.

If you are nervous about going to the dentist and would like to get an Anxiety Free Dental consultation, please visit us at and call 773-292-1911 to schedule your appointment.

Floss Like a Madman!

Emilio “TV Guide Is Over” Couret

Meet Dr. Couret

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