Staying Committed

I did not come from a family that appreciated organized sports. They never saw the benefit and felt it was a waste of time.

To my dad, getting a job, as early as possible and working, was the best way to prepare you for life. My dad owned gas stations.

At an early age, I was working at the station. I would pump gas, fix tires, do oil changes, and stuff like that.

I dabbled in sports but would quit, when getting to practices and staying consistent with my training, was not there. My coaches were annoyed that I would miss so many practices. And I don’t blame them.

Finn is one of these kids that wants to try every sport. We encourage him to try everything to see what he likes.

Soccer was one of those sports that he tried, at a very early age. He began playing soccer and has played every year since he was 2 years old.

Last year, he begged us to let him try out for the travel soccer team in our neighborhood. There were hundreds of kids that tried out and he made the 2nd string team.

Making this team is a full year commitment and requires 3 days a week of practice, with a game or 2, on the weekends. It’s a lot.

Now Finn does not want to go to all the practices and only wants to go when he wants to. I reminded him that he made a commitment and he needed to complete his commitment.

Also, there were a lot of kids that tried out for the team. I told him that he took someone’s spot, who may have appreciated being on that team more than him.

He begrudgingly agreed to not quitting soccer and fulfilling his commitment to his team. I told him that if he did not want to do it next season, that was ok. But he had to finish out the season.

Once we lose interest in things, it’s difficult to stay committed.

Another thing that makes it difficult to stay committed, is when you’re afraid of the thing you’re trying to do.

In dentistry, we see this all the time. The patient comes in, gets a check up, is told of all the things that were found and never makes the appointment for their treatment.

Fear is usually keeping them from moving forward.

At Dente, we recognize that a large part of the American population has a fear of going to the dentist. That is why we offer Anxiety Free Dentistry.

The patient is given anxiety reducing pills that help them get through the appointment,

Many of those patients will say how that was the best appointment they’ve ever had.

If you or someone you know is having a difficult time seeing the dentist, please have them contact us at or call 773-292-1911 to schedule their Anxiety Free Dental Consultation.

Floss Like a Madman!

Emilio "Soccer, No Soccer" Couret

Meet Dr. Couret

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