MRI Anxieties

For the last few years, I’ve dealt with some sporadic left leg numbness and sometimes pain.

My doctor diagnosed me with Sciatica. Basically an impingement of the sciatic nerve. This nerve runs from your back to your butt, down your hip and down your leg.

He recommended that I get an MRI and when he told me that, I got really nervous.

The last time I had an MRI was 10 years ago and I had a full on panic attack. I became really claustrophobic.

I was in the MRI tube and I felt as if I was in a coffin.

My heart rate began to accelerate and my breathing got very fast.

I yelled out to the technician, “Please get me out of here!” The technician immediately pulled me out. He asked me if I could proceed. He gave me some glasses that had some kind of mirrors and it allowed me to see out and he was talking to me the whole time, trying to keep me calm.

I felt embarrassed and I was worried that I was going to have the same panic attack at this next MRI.

This time I decided that I would approach the whole thing differently. In the past, I kept my eyes open. This time, I was going to keep my eyes closed and focus on the music that they were playing.

And it worked…I kept my eyes closed the entire time and I stayed calm. Feeling nervous during an MRI happens pretty regularly.

Dentistry is another field that experiences nervous patients.

Many of these patients will require some type of anxiety reducing medication to help them get through the appointment.

Unfortunately, very few dental offices offer this service. Dente is one of the few offices that offers Anxiety Free Dentistry.

Patients that have a difficult time getting through the dental appointment, due to anxiety, are given anxiety reducing medication.

This medication helps the patient relax and have a stress free dental visit.

Most of these patients will describe the appointment as their best dental appointment ever.

If you are nervous about going to the dentist and would like an anxiety free dental appointment, please visit us at or call 773-292-1911 to schedule your appointment.

Floss Like a Madman!

Emilio "MRI Master" Couret

Meet Dr. Couret

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