Living With Bunnies

Our dog is now 10 months old. He’s into everything. He’ll eat extension cords, furniture, all kinds of paper products and things like that.

He also will chase all kinds of animals in our backyard.

Last week, my son Finn took Luca, our dog, to the backyard. Then Finn heard a screeching sound. Finn noticed he had something in his mouth.

When Finn got closer, he noticed that Luca had a baby bunny in his mouth.

Finn commanded Luca to put the bunny down and Luca did not listen. Then Finn pried the dog’s mouth open, and the baby bunny fell to the grass.

He then brought the dog into the house and told Sarah what had happened.

She then went outside and saw the baby bunny and quickly found the bunny’s nest that Luca had invaded.

In the nest, there were two other bunnies that were undisturbed.

Sarah then went into the house to figure out how to reintroduce the bunny into his nest without having the mom reject it.

They went online and did some research. They decided to grab the bunny with a plastic bag to avoid any human smell from contacting it. They placed the bunny back with their siblings and covered the nest with grass and sticks to hide it from any other predators.

As of this morning, the bunnies are still alive and well. The mom is still caring for the bunnies because we have seen her go to the nest. She continues to monitor her flock because we see her in the corner of the yard standing guard.

We did not know how to properly reintroduce the baby bunny to their family, so we researched it.

Not knowing what to do is a huge barrier. It’s the main reason people don’t take action. Finding a dentist is no different.

Many of us have family or friends that are looking for a new dentist. There has been a massive shift where many dentists have retired in huge numbers. This has created a large void where many of your friends and family are without a dental provider.

The best place to find any dentist is through a referral from a family or friend.

If you like us, it is more than likely your loved ones will like us too. Also have them do some research on their own. Have them look up our office and read our reviews. It will reinforce your recommendation.

We are always looking for new patients and would love to receive a referral from you.

If you know anyone that is looking for a new dentist, please send them our way. Have them visit us at and call 773-292-1911 to schedule their appointment.

Floss Like a Madman!

Emilio “Bunny House” Couret

Meet Dr. Couret

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