Help Wanted

As I drive, I’m always noticing “Help Wanted” signs all over the Chicago area. I’m not sure if I’m noticing those signs because I own my own business or if it's something that everyone notices.

I recently came across a “Help Wanted” sign that read a little differently. This sign read “Hiring People Who Care”.

What a great sign that went straight to the heart of what people should hire for.

Then I began to think of the things that I look for in people to rate their level of caring.

The first thing I look for is do they arrive on time for their interview. I know this seems like a pretty straightforward thing but believe it or not, many applicants do not even show up for their interviews and most of them do not show up on time.

Second, do they come in a presentable fashion? I’m not talking about coming in a suit and business attire. But did they shower, brush their hair, wear clean and neat clothes? Shockingly many people will arrive at their interview disheveled.

And finally, how do they treat the staff? Are they polite, do they introduce themselves, are they respectful and things like that? Treating everyone respectfully and kindly is a must in our office and hiring those types of people is a must.

But many people believe that business owners are the only ones that hire people and I completely disagree. Everyone hires people on a daily basis.

For example, I present my “resume” 100’s of times per month and get hired by a new boss almost every day.

All my patients hire me each and every day when they step into our office.

For many of them, we’ve been working with them for over 20 years.

And if I were to zero in on the number one reason that they come to see us, it is that they know and feel that we care. That’s it!

If you or anyone that you know is looking for a new, caring office, please send them our way. Have them visit us at and call 773-292-1911 to schedule their appointment.

Floss Like a Madman!

Emilio “You’re Hired” Couret