Happy Labor Day ... Not Really

Since I can remember, the 4th of July has been one of my favorite holidays. As kids, we would shoot off fireworks in the park and around the neighborhood. We would get our money together and buy hundreds of dollars in fireworks.

All that money we would save throughout the year would be blown away in minutes. And we loved every second.

Also, the 4th of July was associated with summer vacation and freedom.

Every day I woke up thinking, “What do I want to do today?” I had no responsibilities and no plan.

All I thought about was who I was going to play with today. Idyllic in my world.

Even as an adult, the 4th of July is probably one of my favorite holidays.

On the flip side, Labor Day is probably one of my lamest holidays. I’ve never had any type of lifelong or family traditions for Labor Day. It usually signified the beginning of school, which was one of the most horrendous things that would happen to me.

Labor Day was always associated with getting back into the grind of schoolwork. Basically, a negative association.

To this day, Labor Day is my least favorite holiday, and I believe it's because of that association.

We are always associating certain events to certain feelings. In dentistry, this happens all the time.

People will associate the sounds and smells of a dental office with a negative dental event. These triggers will cause people to avoid going to the dentist because it elicits anxiety.

It is estimated that between 30 to 50 percent of all Americans avoid going to the dentist.

At Dente, we recognize this need and it’s why we offer Anxiety Free dentistry.

Our patients that are anxious about having a dental procedure done, may request Anxiety Free dentistry. It’s a combination of anxiety reducing medication that helps the patient relax during their dental appointment.

These patients are more comfortable during the procedure and many times report it being the best dental appointment they’ve ever had.

If you are nervous about going to the dentist and would like to get an Anxiety Free Dental consultation, please visit us at mydente.com or call 773-292-1911 to schedule your appointment.

Floss Like a Madman!

Emilio “Labor Day Vibes?” Couret

Meet Dr. Couret

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