Gums are the Issue

In the office, I have patients that come in and tell me that they don’t like their smile. Then when I ask them what they don’t like, they’ll point out one tooth that they notice in photos.

Often, the issue is not the teeth but rather the gums. Having the gums look symmetrical is a big aspect of the smile being harmonious.

Here is one of my patients smile before we started working with her.

Her granddaughter had commented on how her teeth were all different colors.

So she wanted to improve her smile by getting all the same color restorations.


When I looked at her smile, I did agree that her restorations were different colors, but what really stood out to me was that the size and shape of her teeth were all different as well.

I told the patient that in order for us to get her smile to look amazing, we had to get the teeth’s shape and size more symmetrical.

I identified the actual problem was that her gums were all over the place. This asymmetry with the gums is what really draws your eye. Get that fixed and the whole case looks great.

We have completed treatment on her upper teeth and she is thrilled. She already looks much improved and amazing.

Next, we will be working on her lower smile. Soon, it will all come together quite beautifully.

In the meantime, here is the "after" of her beautiful smile (upper smile completed).

If you are looking to improve your smile and would like to get some ideas, please visit us at or call 773-292-1911 to schedule a cosmetic consultation.

Floss Like a Madman!

Emilio “Gums Make the Smile” Couret

Meet Dr. Couret

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