Boot Kamp

I first opened my dental office from scratch in 2006. I have been running my own office for over 18 years now.

Opening and running your own business is the best self-improvement class anyone could ever sign up for. But at the same time, it could be one of the scariest and most anxiety ridden things one could ever do.

When I first opened my office, I believed that I would hang up my shingle and people were going to be rushing in. That never happened!

I then began taking dental courses from the best people on the planet.

I took courses from Dawson, Spear, and Kois.

These courses improved my skills!

The kicker was, I didn’t have the communication skills to match my clinical skills. So, patient case acceptance was still a weak spot in the business.

No treatment means no money and I was still struggling financially, growing more anxious with the lack of cashflow.

Then I asked a friend who had a thriving dental office as to what he was doing. He told me that he had taken some classes through “Dental Boot Kamp”,, and that it helped him with his business.

He said the classes helped with speaking to patients about treatment and his communication with the entire office.

I was very nervous to sign up for the class. I was having a lot of money issues and wasn’t convinced this would be the answer to my problems. Plus, it was a course for the entire team.

After a few months of thinking about it, talking to others and with the leaders of Dental Boot Kamp, I finally took the plunge and signed up for the upcoming Dental Boot Kamp. This was in 2010!

If I were to point to an event that changed my business, it was when I signed up for Dental Boot Kamp. I learned to effectively communicate with my patients and staff.

It was the best decision I ever made.

Taking recommendations from friends usually works out for me. It’s the best way I find anything, from mechanics or dry cleaners to physicians and dentists.

Your friends and family want your recommendations as well.

Many of them are without a dental home. A huge number of dentists have retired in the last 5 years. Many of those offices were purchased by private equity groups.

Those groups destroy the culture of the office and many of these patients are unhappy in their current situation. They don’t know where to go.

Next time you hear a family or friend talk about how their dentist sold their practice and now there’s a new dentist that took over, ask them, “Are you happy there?” If they are not, tell them about us. I would love for them to come and meet our team. Have them visit us at or call 773-292-1911 to schedule today!

Floss Like a Madman!

Emilio “Boot Kamp Alumni” Couret

Meet Dr. Couret

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